Ron Hazell "Painting Water in Watercolour"
Saturday May 16, 2009  9:30am - 4pm (6 Hours 30 Minutes)
Gallery / Exhibit
 (902) 542-6122

Workshop with Ron Hazell:
This one day watercolour workshop will focus on painting water and reflections. Ron will give a brief discussion on how to depict water convincingly and how ripples and larger waves affect reflections.

Ron will then do a painting demonstration after which workshop participants will paint. Ron will circulate and give one-on-one help. The day will end with a friendly critique of the days’ work.
Workshop participants should bring their own painting supplies, including a couple of quarter sheets of artist quality watercolour paper (Arches, or Winsor & Newton, or Fabriano, etc.) Make sure you have artist’s quality pigments such as Winsor & Newton, or Holbein, or Lukas, etc. Bring your biggest brushes, flats and/or rounds.

RON HAZELL, CSPWC is a native Nova Scotian. He is an elected member of the prestigious Canadian Society of Painters in Water Colour. He has been painting for thirty-eight years and has been teaching workshops for thirty years. Ron is primarily a landscape artist. His marine paintings have been featured in the American Artist Watercolor Magazine twice. International Artist has published his work in its popular book "How Did You Paint That? 100 Ways to Paint Landscapes". His work is held in private collections throughout North America and Europe, including the Royal Collection of Her Majesty the Queen at Windsor Castle.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $50 Members / $55 Non-members