Minifest 2009
Saturday April 4, 2009  8pm

The Acadia Theatre Company presents Minifest 2009 in the Lower Denton Theatre.

The Acadia Theatre Studies program produces a Minifest of original one-act plays every year. This festival is entirely student run. This year, Minifest will feature 5 one act plays:
"Baby Shower"
"Family Holdback"
"We Think We're Funny"
"The Battle of Frogs and Mice"
Pricing & Tickets
$10 regular and $8 for students/seniors.

Cash or cheque only. Tickets can be purchased at Box of Delights and are also sold at the door and may be reserved by calling the Reservation Line at 585-1766.

Tickets not picked up 10 minutes before show t
Acadia University
12 Horton Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia


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