Studio de Musique Ancienne de Montreal
Sunday August 23, 2009  8pm

Founded in 1974, the Studio de musique ancienne de Montréal (SMAM) is essentially dedicated to the performance of works for medium to large ensembles both sacred and secular, composed before 1750. The group’s mastery of vocal styles that characterise this specialised repertory, and its use of historically authentic instruments have earned it the excellent reputation it deserves at the heart of a great international revival of music from the Renaissance and Baroque eras.

Christopher Jackson, co-founder and Artistic Director of the Studio since 1988, is a specialist of Renaissance vocal polyphony and Baroque works for voice and orchestra. He has conducted SMAM’s performances of the great choral and vocal compositions from the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries while actively pursuing his career as an organist, harpsichordist and choral conductor in Canada, France, Belgium, and Spain. One of his recent accomplishments was to direct Monteverdi’s Orfeo on tour in several French cities. Jackson is also Dean of Fine Arts at Concordia University in Montreal.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $20 To reserve tickets please call 902-634-9994. Tickets are also available at the door.
Acadia University
45 Horton Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia


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