Scary Story Night
Wednesday August 26, 2015  7pm - 9pm (2 Hours)
Community Museum
 (902) 542-9775

In a house that is over 200 years old a person might expect a few odd bumps and creaks in the night that can simply be explained away as the house settling in for the night.

What one might not expect is to feel shivers up your spine when walking through a room, electronics acting bizarrely, to hear full conversations when you are all alone in the house, or to see a womanly figure looking out the window from upstairs while you are out tending to the garden......these are all real things that have happened here at Randall House Museum, the second oldest house in Wolfville.

Join us as we bring some folklore stories and legends to light for our very first scary story night at the museum (we can't make any promises that Ghost Annie won't come to play).
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $5
259 Main Street
Wolfville, Nova Scotia


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