Round the Square Reunion
Sunday August 27, 2017  2pm - 4pm (2 Hours)

Were you born or brought up in Avondale, Belmont, Poplar Grove, Mantuha, Ferry Road? Or have relatives that were? From the 1920's to present day? Did you or your loved ones go to a one or two room school in that area? Come and get reacquainted at the Round the Square Reunion. Just a few of the family names from over the years: Sanford, Fletcher, Benidect, Lake, Conners, Caldwell, Mounce, Syler, Stillman, Macburnie, Haines, Knowls, Bennet, Macolm, Densmore, Fish, Harvey, Laffin, Manning, Parker, Morine.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Free
Belmont Community Hall
1090 Belmont Road
Newport, Nova Scotia

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