Icewine Festival Ghost Walk
Saturday March 3, 2018  4:15pm - 4:45pm (30 Minutes)
Ticket giveaway ended on February 25
Theatre Culinary / Wine Festival / Fair Family Friendly

Fact: Ghosts are drawn to icewine.

Valley Ghost Walks is honoured to be launching our 11th season as part of the Nova Scotia Icewine Festival at the Lightfoot & Wolfville Winery. Join us for family-friendly, historical productions.

Jerome the GraveKeeper tours you throughout the winery while introducing historical Annapolis Valley ghosts along the way. These compilation shows feature ghosts from the various towns we currently haunt, along with the debut of a new old ghost from Hantsport.

Please pre-book via the Icewine Festival website as space is limited. (As of January 17, only 35 tickets remain for this second show.)
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $25 with wine tastings, $20 without.

Purchase Tickets Online
11143 Evangeline Trail
Wolfville, Nova Scotia


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