Leading Ladies
Friday June 26, 2015  8pm

 (902) 678-8040

Doors open at 7:15pm

Wouldn’t you change course--in the blink of an eye!-- to pluck a rich prize for someone as deserving as yourself? Well, in Leading Ladies, Leo and Jack leap into the quest. Leading Ladies is an award-winning farce, set in 1958 about two British actors so down on their luck that they're doing "Scenes from Shakespeare" at a Moose Lodge in Amish country, Pennsylvania. Jack and Leo hear about a local old lady who is about to die and wants to leave her fortune to her two long-lost English relatives. They are so desperate for cash that they decide to pass themselves off as her beloved nephews, Max and Steve. The trouble starts when they find out that the relatives aren't nephews, but nieces Maxine and Stephanie! Who really are “the Leading ladies”? This laugh-out- loud show is full of love, deceit, cheating, stealing and, oh yes, men
in pantyhose. Written by Ken Ludwig, this highly acclaimed comedy will appeal to all audiences. It is directed by Junie Hutchinson. Cast Members (in order of appearance): Hillary Webb, John Smith, LeRoy Heffernan, Mike Butler, Marc Hetu, Danielle Lutz, Tomas
Hiseler and Thea Burton.
Pricing & Tickets
Tickets $15/$12.
Call 678-8040 to reserve your seat.
Gift certificates and season passes are available at R.D. Chisholm's
in Kentville and Rick’s Frame and Art in New Minas.
61 River Street
Kentville, Nova Scotia



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