The Women of Lockerbie
Friday October 23, 2015  8pm
 (902) 678-8040

Doors open at 7:15pm

This powerful, poignant drama, dealing with the aftermath of the 1988 Pan Am Flight #103 explosion over the village of Lockerbie, Scotland, gives a glimpse into how humanity and courage can emerge as a reaction to terrorism. The play details an American mother’s obsessive hunt to find and bring home her son’s remains as she struggles with her loss and mourning. Her husband meets a group of the local Scottish women who hope to bring closure and comfort to the victims’ families through The Laundry Project , washing the thousands of pieces of clothing left from the crash and returning them to the victims’ loved ones. Only the power of love can overcome the obstacles so that hatred will not have the final word.
There is no intermission for this production only.

The play is written by Deborah Brevoort and directed by Michelle Herx. Cast in order of appearance: John Smith, Chérie Zinck, Charmaine Potter, Karen Armour, Jean Hall, Gillian Yorke, Darrell Doucette, Brenda Bailey

Mature Subject Matter
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Tickets $15/$12:Call 678-8040 for reservations, reservations held until 15 minutes before the show start. Gift certificates and season passes are available from R.D. Chisholm's in Kentville and Rick's Frame and Art in New Minas.
61 River Street
Kentville, Nova Scotia


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