Not Now, Darling
Sunday January 24, 2016  2pm

Doors open at 1:15pm

A Farce
The scene is the exclusive London fur salon of Bodley and Crouch, where Crouch (the well-meaning innocent) struggles to keep things on an even keel despite the energetic philandering of his partner. At the moment, Bodley is trying to secure the affections of his latest would-be mistress by "selling" her husband an expensive mink fur coat for a fraction of its real worth, and the stammering Crouch is saddled with the task of consummating the sale with a straight face. But, as luck would have it, the husband seizes the bargain coat as the perfect gift for his own mistress—whereupon the complications burgeon uproariously, with poor Crouch caught in the middle. Suspicious wives, mistaken identities, scantily clad girls clapped hurriedly into closets and a continuous barrage of rapid fire jokes all become part of the hilarious doings. A perfect antidote for the January blahs!

Please note well, the evening shows are beginning at 7:30 starting in January, 2016.

The play is written by John Chapman and Ray Cooney. Wayne and Linda Marriott have directed the play at Centrestage.

Cast in order of appearance: Kat Lewis, Geoff Ball, Jax Burneau, Mark Collins, Bob Cook, Brian Cottam, Chantal Murphy, Carole Ball
Pricing & Tickets
Tickets $15/$12
Call 678-8040 to reserve your seat. Reservations are held until 15 minutes before the show.
Season passes and gift certificates are available at R.D. Chisholm's in Kentville and Rick's Frame and Art in New Minas.
61 River Street
Kentville, Nova Scotia


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