Getting Sara Married
Friday June 11, 2010  8pm - 10pm (2 Hours)

Sara Hastings is an unmarried lawyer in her mid-thirties, much too busy to get involved in any romance. Her Aunt Martha decides to take matters into her own hands and find her a husband. Unfortunately, Aunt Martha’s strategy amounts to having the prospective groom bopped over the head and brought to Sara’s apartment.

“The play is about matchmaking gone wild, when your meddling family's meddling goes just a bit too far,” says director Mindy Vinqvist-Tymchuk. “It's also about what trade-offs make relationships work.”

Getting Sara Married, by Sam Bobrick, is a lighter look at relationships and families. The play should interest anyone of dating age – and especially anyone who remembers dating. The humour is geared towards adults, and the play contains some mildly salty language.

Here’s what the cast members say: “This play will definitely have people laughing!!” “It's a great way to end the week on a high note.” “It really is a funny play, so if people are looking for light entertainment, we have the show for them!”

Getting Sara Married stars Tracy Churchill, Brenda Ellis, Keegan Martin, Mike L’Oiseau, Alan Slipp and Amanda Woodcock. On lights is Ernest Zinck. Stage manager is Keegan Martin.

Getting Sara Married opens on June 3rd (pay what you will) and plays on Friday and Saturday nights at 8pm until July 10th. There will be a 2pm matinee on Sunday, June 27th.
Pricing & Tickets
Phone 678-8040 to make reservations.

61 River Street
Kentville, Nova Scotia


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