Monday November 21, 2011 6:30pm - 8pm (1 Hour 30 Minutes)
Lecture / Seminar
679 2299
You are invited to join us for an information session about sailing in style along the Grand Waterways of Europe with Scenic Tours. Come and see why their "Space Ships" are the best river cruise ships on the water. Came and learn about their 2012-2013 itineraries and inclusions and exclusive experiances. If you have yet to sail the rivers of Europe, what are you waiting for. All are welcome. Please call to reserve a seat.
679 2299
You are invited to join us for an information session about sailing in style along the Grand Waterways of Europe with Scenic Tours. Come and see why their "Space Ships" are the best river cruise ships on the water. Came and learn about their 2012-2013 itineraries and inclusions and exclusive experiances. If you have yet to sail the rivers of Europe, what are you waiting for. All are welcome. Please call to reserve a seat.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Free