The Future of Annapolis County
Wednesday August 29, 2012  7pm
Meeting / Club

The Future of Annapolis County and its Three Towns – A Public Discussion

In recent times, our local governments have seen troubled times. The status quo for municipal governance does not appear to be working very well. With four separate municipal governments for less than 24,000 residents of Annapolis County, there are duplications, inefficiencies, conflicts and a lack of cooperative efforts that hold this region back.

In light of these difficulties, a forum is being organized to discuss the future of our part of Nova Scotia. It has been said that if we don’t decide what we want by way of government, someone else will decide for us. We believe that knowing what residents want and how they see the future will be very important for anyone who wants to run for election this fall. At the August 29th meeting, people can have their say, along with others from across Annapolis County, at a public get together. There will be a chance to tell your story and hear others tell theirs. Perhaps their concerns are yours; perhaps they have never crossed your mind.

There will be a panel of people who have been looking at the way we are presently governed and who have some ideas to share. The evening will be moderated by Dr. Peter Nicholson, a highly respected resident of Annapolis Royal. He has served in numerous posts in government, business, science, and higher education, including Deputy Chief of Staff, Policy in the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada. Joining Peter on the panel will be Steve Hawboldt, the retired Executive Director of the Clean Annapolis River Project (CARP) and a columnist for The Annapolis County Spectator who has written about this subject. There will also be two other yet-to-be-confirmed panellists.

On October 20th, Nova Scotians will vote for the next mayors, wardens and councillors. Municipal elections are the closest democratic process we have. This is grass roots governance. This will be true in Annapolis County and the 3 towns within its boundaries. Now is our opportunity, collectively, to say what type of municipal government we want for Annapolis County. We can start that discussion on August 29th. We invite you to join us.

“When we talk with each other, we discover what it is we like about where we live, where we have set down roots. We discover how we are the same, how we are different, how we see our future, and what change is needed to move toward our goals,” say forum organizers Heather LeBlanc, Granville Ferry and Anne Crossman, Centrelea.

Heather LeBlanc –
Anne Crossman –
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Free
Royal Candian Legion
20 Jeffery Street
Bridgetown, Nova Scotia


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