(902) 680 6128
It’s that time of year again - on Saturday, March 30th, Acadia students will be taking to the streets, collecting donations as part of the March Against Hunger Food Drive. Donations will be given to the Wolfville Area Food Bank, which serves clients in Wolfville, Grand Pre, Greenwich and Port Williams; therefore, students will be collecting from homes in all four areas.
Handouts with donation suggestions and a reminder of the date will be delivered door-to-door leading up to the collection – if you will be away for the weekend, please leave your donation outside your door with the handout on it, and someone will be sure to pick it up!
Food collection baskets will also be located in the entrances to Wolfville’s Save-Easy and The Bargain! Shop for the week of March 23rd-30th.
If you’d like more information about March Against Hunger or how else you can help, please e-mail, call 680-6128, check out the Facebook event: March Against Hunger Food Drive 2013 or visit the food bank website:
(902) 680 6128
It’s that time of year again - on Saturday, March 30th, Acadia students will be taking to the streets, collecting donations as part of the March Against Hunger Food Drive. Donations will be given to the Wolfville Area Food Bank, which serves clients in Wolfville, Grand Pre, Greenwich and Port Williams; therefore, students will be collecting from homes in all four areas.
Handouts with donation suggestions and a reminder of the date will be delivered door-to-door leading up to the collection – if you will be away for the weekend, please leave your donation outside your door with the handout on it, and someone will be sure to pick it up!
Food collection baskets will also be located in the entrances to Wolfville’s Save-Easy and The Bargain! Shop for the week of March 23rd-30th.
If you’d like more information about March Against Hunger or how else you can help, please e-mail, call 680-6128, check out the Facebook event: March Against Hunger Food Drive 2013 or visit the food bank website:
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Donation