The Modern Grass with Jennah Barry
Saturday October 11, 2014  8pm

Doors open at 6pm

The Modern Grass was born in early 2011 in Halifax, Nova Scotia and have since released 5 albums and toured North America extensively and relentlessly. The MG Be - bops, doo- wops, and yeehaws it's way through roots music freely, setting the mood for real life rambling, gambling and heartbreaking storytales.

In February 2014 the Modern Grass released City Ghosts, the highly anticipated follow up to their award winning album High on the Mountain. City Ghosts is a reminder of the group's dynamic nature and their uncanny ability to navigate space, time and a plethora of musical genres, uninterrupted.

The Modern Grass continue to emphasize the importance of contrast both musically and lyrically. Hard driving bluegrass flows into tender ballads, groovy blues, and dramatic instrumentals. Accompanied by earnest social commentary, introspective songs of love and loss, and raw poetry; City Ghosts is modern and nostalgic, refined yet organic, chaotic but soothing.

From the South Shore of Nova Scotia, Jennah Barry is a singer, songwriter and musician.

Loyal, casually self-deprecating and mostly honest, her debut album Young Men is written from the perspective of a bona fide, small-towner in the belly of a big city. This music is juicy pop gossip with a folk back-bone, produced by Colin Nealis and recorded and engineered by the great Diego Medina in Riverport, NS.

"...if there's any point at which you should listen to Jennah Barry open her mouth---excepting, of course, when she is singing---it's when she's talking about songwriting. Her songs dance the spectrum between folk and indie rock ("I'm waiting for someone else to say it," she says of genre) and the 11 tracks on last year's debut LP Young Men contain shameless declarations, sharp insights, quiet revelations and big reveals set against a backdrop of the sea and snow of the south shore, where she grew up and still lives.In person she has an easygoing confidence, an undeniable charisma, wears flannel and drinks, as if Tim Riggins decided to pick up a guitar instead of a football. Her casual small-town friendliness is kept in check by a weary guardedness befitting a rural Nova Scotian who spent five years in Toronto straight out of high school..."- The Coast (Tara Thorne)

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Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $20

Where to buy Tickets: Union Street Cafe
183 Commercial Steet
Berwick, Nova Scotia


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