Sunday September 20, 2015 1pm - 3pm (2 Hours)
Fundraiser / Charity
902 582-3157
Event in Room: Upstairs Lounge
Large bag day lots of clothes, toys etc. If you have any items that are reusable and would like to donate please drop at the Legion after 4 p.m. Tues to Saturday.
All items will be donated to the Diabetes Assoc. that are left over. Please use the ramp beside the Post Office for easy access.
902 582-3157
Event in Room: Upstairs Lounge
Large bag day lots of clothes, toys etc. If you have any items that are reusable and would like to donate please drop at the Legion after 4 p.m. Tues to Saturday.
All items will be donated to the Diabetes Assoc. that are left over. Please use the ramp beside the Post Office for easy access.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Fill a large bag for $5
Royal Canadian Legion