Scottish Country Dance
Tuesday February 7, 2017  7:30pm - 9:30pm (2 Hours)
Dance Family Friendly

Event in Room: Riverside Court

The Valley Scottish Country Dancers live and dance in the Annapolis Valley area of Nova Scotia. Regular dance classes are held on Tuesday evenings, 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. 7th February to 14th May, 2017.
Scottish country dancing (a social form of dance with three or more couples of dancers) should not be confused with Scottish highland dance (a solo form of dance). Scottish country dances are categorised as reels (including hornpipes), jigs, and strathspeys according to the type of music to which they are danced. Scottish country dancing is generally danced in organised formations referred to as "sets" consisting of three or more couples. Scottish country dances are made up of figures of varying length to suit the phrasing of Scottish country dance tunes. Scottish country dancing uses Travelling steps include the skip-change of step in quick-time dances and the Strathspey travelling step in strathspey time, while setting steps include the pas de basque in quick time and the common schottische setting step in strathspey time. In quick time, there is also the slip step for quick sideways movement, e.g. in circles.

Scottish country dancing is now recognised as a valuable activity for maintaining health and fitness. Researchers at the University of Strathclyde in August 2010 made a study of seventy women between the ages of 60 and 85 years; half were Scottish country dancers and the remainder participated in other physical activities such as swimming, walking, golf and keep fit classes. The women were assessed on their strength, stamina, flexibility and balance. They all compared favourably with average fitness levels for women in their age range, but the Scottish country dancers were shown to have more agility, stronger legs and to be able to walk more briskly than people who took part in other forms of exercise.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $6 a night, or $60 for the 14-week term
125 Webster Street
Kentville, Nova Scotia


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