Lecture / Seminar Wheelchair Accessible Family Friendly Community
Do you know what ingredients are needed for creating outstanding downtowns? Come find out with us! The Town of Kentville and KDCL present: The Roger Brooks “20 Ingredients of an Outstanding Downtown”.
The Town of Kentville and KDCL are inviting residents, business owners, property owners and any other interested parties to participate in three sessions featuring Roger Brooks, place making expert and internationally known destination development consultant. In three sessions, Roger will walk us through the ingredients we need to make our downtown outstanding. The sessions are organized into areas of ownership: The Property Owners List, The Public Sector List, and The Merchant List.
Session 3: The Merchants List is showing Tuesday May 2nd, 12:00-1:00 in Council Chambers
Light lunch and coffee will be provided, everyone is welcome, discussion will be encouraged, and RSVP is required. You do not need to participate in all three sessions, choose the ones that are most interesting to you! There is no fee to attend.
Please RSVP to Lindsay by emailing communitydevelopment@kentville.ca or by calling 902-679-2549.
Do you know what ingredients are needed for creating outstanding downtowns? Come find out with us! The Town of Kentville and KDCL present: The Roger Brooks “20 Ingredients of an Outstanding Downtown”.
The Town of Kentville and KDCL are inviting residents, business owners, property owners and any other interested parties to participate in three sessions featuring Roger Brooks, place making expert and internationally known destination development consultant. In three sessions, Roger will walk us through the ingredients we need to make our downtown outstanding. The sessions are organized into areas of ownership: The Property Owners List, The Public Sector List, and The Merchant List.
Session 3: The Merchants List is showing Tuesday May 2nd, 12:00-1:00 in Council Chambers
Light lunch and coffee will be provided, everyone is welcome, discussion will be encouraged, and RSVP is required. You do not need to participate in all three sessions, choose the ones that are most interesting to you! There is no fee to attend.
Please RSVP to Lindsay by emailing communitydevelopment@kentville.ca or by calling 902-679-2549.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Free
Town Hall