Valley Gardeners Meeting
Monday November 12, 2018  5:30pm - 9pm (3 Hours 30 Minutes)
Meeting / Club

Valley Gardeners 35th Annual Meeting and Banquet. Turkey dinner with all the trimmings including choices of pie for dessert. Members are asked to bring a small live arrangement for the tables with plant material from their gardens. Dinner will be served at 6 pm followed by Michelle Muis speaking on Therapeutic Gardening. The last item is the Annual General Meeting with the installation of a new executive. Please contact Robin at or 902-365-5321 to reserve your meal and arrange payment. We encourage new members to attend.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $16 for dinner
18 Prospect Avenue
Kentville, Nova Scotia


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Other Events at St. James Anglican Church
Sat Dec 7, 1pm
Christmas Tea & Sale
Sat Dec 21, 8am
Parish Breakfast
Sat Dec 21, 7pm
Longest Night with Ardyth & Jennifer