Visual Arts Nova Scotia Regional Exhibit
Thursday September 18, 2008  7pm - 8pm (1 Hour)
Gallery / Exhibit

Preliminary Meeting for the VANS regional show, LARGE/small: Experiments with Scale, at the Acadia University Art Gallery. We hope this theme is broad enough to inspire all of you to participate in the first VANS exhibition in the Annapolis East region. The exhibition is scheduled to open in May 2009 and will run approximately six weeks. Because this is a VANS regional show, it will be curated but not juried, and it will be open to everyone who is a member of VANS region 2B (Annapolis East). We hope that all of you will participate.

LARGE/small: Experimenting with Scale

Discrepancy of size is a form of distortion, and all forms of
distortion shock us into attention.
—Steven Millhauser, “The Fascination of the Miniature”

In this exhibition we invite you to explore the power of scale and its capacity to generate and change meaning. What values and strategies are in play when we decide to supersize or miniaturize? How do we respond to the grand scale, the small scale, and the human scale—and how does a change in size create a change in meaning? Whatever our subject and whatever our medium—painting, drawing, sculpture, photography, multimedia—these are questions that can challenge and inspire us to work in new ways or to reconsider the significance of work we are in the process of making.

We plan on producing a catalogue in CD format, and will be hosting a series of regional meetings with presentations related to the exhibition. Laurie Dalton, the Director of the Acadia Gallery, has very kindly allowed us to use one of the studio spaces behind the gallery as a venue for the monthly workshops. The workshops will be held on the third Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: free
7 Victoria Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia


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