Walk of Discovery and Reciprocity
Sunday November 13, 2022  1pm - 4pm (3 Hours)
Workshop / Class Community


Spend a Sunday afternoon engaging with the Wapna’ki/Acadian Forest region, appreciating its beauty and allowing nature to awaken your senses. Come learn about what you can do for nature and what nature can do for you. The afternoon will include planting trees, pulling invasive species, practicing mindfulness in the woods and warming up around the bonfire with new friends!

The Acadia Community Development students organizing this event are looking forward to seeing you around the bonfire. Space is limited so please register in advance: https://forms.gle/2Qp784YJAjxWrePS8

All welcome. Please wear comfortable hiking shoes and dress for the weather. Extreme weather date: November 20.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Free
Acadia University
32 University Avenue
Wolfville, Nova Scotia



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