Corn Tortilla Taco Cookout
Thursday July 13, 2023  6pm - 8pm (2 Hours)
Workshop / Class Health / Wellness Wheelchair Accessible Family Friendly Dog Friendly Outdoor Community

Please register so we know how much tortilla/taco shell dough to make.

What to expect:
- Experiment with local food & cooking with fire. Learn to cook in a wood-fired oven, creating new recipes with your community.
- Cook, learn and be together as a community, connect with friends old and new, and have a fun time!
- Be part of a space where everyone is welcome, regardless of experience. Our goal at the oven is to have everyone in our community feel comfortable participating.
- A different theme / type(s) of food every week, inspired by community members and your suggestions!
- We will provide the base food of whatever is being cooked that day (except for open days) (e.g. dough for pizza, masa for tacos). You (the community) will bring your own fillings and toppings.
- There's always a shared table where people can bring potluck food offerings for the community to share.

This Week: Tacos
We'll press and make the corn tortillas in the oven together.
The dough provided will be 100% masa harina corn flour.
We'll provide some taco fillings.

We invite you to bring:
- Taco fillings (precooked proteins- beans, meat, fish etc, salsa, sour cream, cilantro, cheese, greens, pickled veggies, tomatoes, peppers, hot sauce etc.)
- Any other food you may like to enjoy for a picnic in the park
- Plates and cutlery for your group
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Donation
Robie Tufts Nature Centre
160 Front Street
Wolfville, Nova Scotia


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