Couples Massage Workshop
Friday April 12, 2024  6pm - 9pm (3 Hours)
Workshop / Class Health / Wellness Aged 19+

Ailsa is a Registered Massage Therapist and teacher of Graduate courses for Bodyworkers and Somatic Intimacy Therapists. This workshop will help you to know what to do when you want to explore touch with someone else's body.
We will start with getting clear about what we want and don't want and how we can express that to our partner. Then we will experience how to make an agreement with someone that honours both our own and their boundaries. Each workshop offers new material so repeaters are welcome.
The main part of the workshop will be a guided hands on massage for your partner (both partners will have time to give and recieve if they wish). You will only work with the person you come to the workshop with and tables and linens are provided as well as massage oil. We will be working on the back (face down) and there are options for the Receiver to be fully clothed or undressed to their comfort level.
This will not be an intimate massage workshop but an introduction to Consensual touch and sensuality with yourself and your partner. We will discuss and learn about the role of Giver and Receiver in relation to touch.
This workshop is meant for personal use only and does not certify the participant to offer massage as a paid service.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $60 plus fees
2367 Ridge Road
Grand Pré, Nova Scotia


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