Health / Wellness Community
Sherise Jones (BodySong) and Josée-Ann Cloutier (Steam Space & Circulate) will offer a journey of sound and sensory awakening through the elements, plant connection, thermal cycling, and vocal embodiment. We will welcome our inner (and outer) spring, leaving us feeling…
Attuned to our body’s rhythm and vibration
Connected to our body, as the resonating chamber for our voice
1pm- Opening/Tea
1:30-3pm- Steam & Sound Journey
3-330pm - Integration/rest indoors
330-4pm - Closing circle
Light snacks and herbal tea served
This is a non-profit organization.
Sherise Jones (BodySong) and Josée-Ann Cloutier (Steam Space & Circulate) will offer a journey of sound and sensory awakening through the elements, plant connection, thermal cycling, and vocal embodiment. We will welcome our inner (and outer) spring, leaving us feeling…
Attuned to our body’s rhythm and vibration
Connected to our body, as the resonating chamber for our voice
1pm- Opening/Tea
1:30-3pm- Steam & Sound Journey
3-330pm - Integration/rest indoors
330-4pm - Closing circle
Light snacks and herbal tea served
This is a non-profit organization.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $55