Deep Roots - Fresh Beats Rhythm Parade
Saturday September 28, 2024  12pm - 12:15pm (15 Minutes)
Music Theatre Dance Wheelchair Accessible Family Friendly Dog Friendly Outdoor Community
 (902) 542-7668

Whether you’ve participated in one of our morning workshops or not, come join the Fresh Beats Rhythm Parade at noon! It will be the most fun you’ve had all day, for sure. It’s at the very heart of the Deep Roots Music Festival.

Everyone gathers at the Clock Park at 11:35am bringing their own rhythm instruments, if they have them, and wearing their finery, a costume or just a wacky hat if so inclined. At NOON… the parade in all its glorious colour and joyous noise begins. Many people walk or dance. Wheelchairs, bikes, wagons and strollers are welcome. All motorized traffic is stopped while the parade goes on.

Leaving from Clock Park, the parade proceeds east on Main Street, turns left and goes north on Central Avenue, turns left again moving west on Front Street. A final left and a hop, skip and a jump south on Elm Street will bring us back to Clock Park and the Just Us! Festival Tent. Please stay in costume and gather for a GROUP PICTURE right after the parade finishes. (Route subject to change.)
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Free
Clock Park
484 Main Street
Wolfville, Nova Scotia

View Full Venue Info

Other Events at Clock Park
Thu Sep 19, 7:45pm
Wolfville Ghost Walk
Fri Sep 27, 1pm
Deep Roots - Festival Opening
Fri Sep 27, 11:30am
Deep Roots - Sacred Smudging Ceremony, Shawl Dancing & Drumming
Sat Sep 28, 10am
Deep Roots - Fresh Beats Parade PREP - Crafts
Sat Sep 28, 2pm
Deep Roots - Open Mic at the Tent
Sat Sep 28, 10:30am
Deep Roots - Drum Circle
Sat Sep 28, 1pm
Deep Roots - Kids Music Show
Sat Sep 28, 12:15pm
Deep Roots - Kids Puppet Show