Weekend Yoga Retreat
Friday August 2, 2024  7pm - 9pm (2 Hours)
Workshop / Class Recreation / Fitness Fundraiser / Charity Health / Wellness Community


Join us for a fun filled, educational yoga retreat!
What it includes:
Friday- 7 pm. - 9 pm. Restorative & Therapy Ball class with Colleen
Saturday- 10 am. - 11:15 Therapeutic Feet, knees & hip class with Colleen,
1:00 pm Guided tour of a David Suzuki Designated Healing Forest with Celes Davar
Saturday evening vegetarian potluck followed by Drumming with Kadijah 7:00 pm.- 9:00 pm
Sunday - 10:00 am. - 11:30 YogEvolve class with guest teacher Carol Fellowes
2 Lunches are provided, teas, coffee, beverages, snacks

All profits go to the Community hall.

**Does not include accommodations but has space if you would like to set up a tent.**
A fun, educational and relaxing weekend of yoga with a walk through a Healing Forest and an evening of song. For details or to register contact Colleen Collins at ccollinsanybodyyoga@gmail.com.
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: $150 & your contribution to the potluck
410 West Brooklyn Mountain Road
West Brooklyn, Nova Scotia



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