Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir
Monday May 18, 2015  7pm - 9pm (2 Hours)

Presented by Musique Royale

Musique Royale is pleased to present Capella Regalis Men and Boys Choir Nova Scotia Spring Tour 2015 in five communities throughout the province.

Founded in Halifax by director Nick Halley in 2010, Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir comprises ten men and twelve boys (ages 7-14) and is modeled on the great Anglican tradition of men and boys church choirs. While Canada was once rich with such choirs, Capella Regalis is one of only a handful of men and boys choirs in Canada today. It aims to help rejuvenate the tradition in Canada. The choir sings a weekly Choral Evensong in the University of King’s College Chapel in Halifax during the academic term, and performs concerts in venues around Nova Scotia throughout its September – June season. The choir is a unique, educational outreach programme of Musique Royale. You can find out more about the choir at
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Tickets are $20

Where to buy Tickets: Bainton's Tannery Outlet and Mad Hatter Bookstore, 213 St. George Street, Annapolis Royal