The Last Resort
Saturday March 9, 2024  7:30pm
 (902) 678-8040

Doors open at 6:45pm

The Last Resort is a murder/mystery/comedy musical about a restaurant owner on the run from the mob. Book by Norm Foster; music and lyrics by Lesley Arden; directed by Reid Spencer; musical direction by Ari Snyder. This is an off-beat comedy that pokes fun at everything, including itself.
Pricing & Tickets
Admission: $18 Adults, $15 Students & Seniors (65+)
Cash, debit, or credit at the box office
Reserve your seat by phoning 902-678-8040, 24/7.
Gift Certificates and Season Passes are available at R.D. Chisholm's in Kentville and Rick's Frame and Art
61 River Street
Kentville, Nova Scotia


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