Making Sense of Chaos / Terry Havlis Drahos
Saturday July 1, 2023  11am - 2pm (3 Hours)
Gallery / Exhibit Wheelchair Accessible

Event in Room: Mym Gallery

A series of collages combining photographs and magazine clippings, assembled to create new meaning. Reflections on order in disordered times and art movements that emerged a century ago during another time of pandemic and conflict.
Opening Reception
Artist Statement:
"I am a highly organized individual. My house is a series of items in neat rows, closets with all of the garments facing the same direction. These small things give me a sense of control. When life is particularly chaotic I become more organized in an effort to calm myself. It is self-soothing technique developed as a child in a chaotic household. These recent collages are a product of self soothing over the past 3 years of chaos in both my personal life and the outside world.

For decades I have collected National Geographic magazines, saving maps, articles images, sometimes the entire publication. My studio has often been a pile of yellow trimmed booklets. I find that manipulating and organizing these snippets of paper give me a sense of control, calm, and relief."

In the height of our recent pandemic we collectively reflected on the pandemic of 1918. I also reflected on the artists of the same time. The political madness of the First World War produced the Dada art movement. The 2020s feel like a similar madness where in there so much chaos in the news it is hard to focus on one idea or point of view. I find organizing and cataloging the thousands of cut out magazine pieces calming. It helps me make sense of the chaos, make sense of the madness, and process the plethora of topics that overwhelm me. On the heels of Dada, Surrealists adopted and adapted collaging and cut-and-paste technique. Much like their “automatic” approach to painting, these artists relied on the subconscious to produce one-of-a-kind assemblages made of photographs, illustrations, coloured paper, and paint. Working in a similar method I started with a series of photographs and thousands of magazine pieces, loosely combining images in an effort to organize the randomness into some kind of order. The results are a series of collages combining photographs and magazine clipping assembled together to create new meaning."
Pricing & Tickets
Pricing: Free
396 St. George Street
Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia


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