St. John's Anglican Church
1105 Church Street
Port Williams, Nova Scotia



Past Events
Mon Aug 127:00pMusique Royale Summer Festival
Sat Aug 34:00pChicken BBQ
Tue Feb 134:30pPancake Supper
May 28, 20234:30pTake Out Chicken BBQ
Feb 21, 20234:30pPancake Supper
Aug 19, 20227:30pMusique Royale: Aurore String Quartet
May 29, 20224:30pTake Out Chicken BBQ
Aug 22, 20214:30pTake Out Chicken BBQ
Feb 25, 20204:30pPancake Supper
Nov 9, 20194:30pHam & Bean Supper
Jun 2, 20194:30pChicken BBQ
Mar 15, 201911:30aLenten Lunch
Mar 5, 20194:30pPancake Supper
Dec 24, 20184:00pFamily Christmas Eve
Nov 14, 20187:30pDominion Atlantic Railway: Pictures and Stories
May 27, 20184:30pChicken Barbecue
Mar 25, 20184:00pA Capella Vocal Ensemble
Feb 13, 20184:30pPancake Supper
Dec 2, 201710:00a Quilt/Craft Sale
Oct 17, 20178:00pSung Compline
Sep 16, 20174:00pCorn Boil
May 28, 20174:30pChicken BBQ
Aug 13, 201610:00aCottage Country Quilts & Crafts Sale
May 29, 20164:30pChicken BBQ
Mar 11, 201611:30aLenten Lunch
Nov 7, 20154:30pHarvest Supper & Sale
Aug 15, 20154:30p1/2 Chicken Barbecue
Aug 15, 201510:00aCottage Quilt and Craft Sale
Aug 7, 20157:30pThe 45th Parallel North
Jul 12, 20157:00pHupman Brother's
Feb 17, 20154:30pSausage & Pancake Supper
Nov 1, 20144:30pHarvest Supper
Sep 14, 20144:30p1/2 Chicken BBQ Supper
Sep 8, 20147:00pOld Music Young Musicians
Aug 1, 20147:30pMusique Royale's Best of Boxwood
Jun 1, 20144:30p1/2 Chicken BBQ
Apr 4, 201411:30aLenten Lunch
Mar 30, 20144:00pChoral Evensong
Mar 23, 20144:00pChoral Evensong
Mar 16, 20144:00pChoral Evensong
Mar 9, 20144:00pChoral Evensong
Mar 4, 20144:30pShrove Tuesday Pancake & Sausage Supper
Oct 26, 20134:30pHarvest Supper & Craft Sale
Aug 10, 201310:00aQuilt and Craft Sale
Jul 29, 20137:30pBest of Boxwood
Jun 2, 20134:30p1/2 Chicken BBQ
May 21, 20137:00pCapella Regalis Men & Boys Choir
Mar 3, 20134:00pChoral Evensong
Feb 17, 20134:00pKings College Chapel Choir
Feb 12, 20134:30pPancake & Sausage Supper
Feb 10, 20134:00pCapella Regalis Men & Boys Choir
Nov 17, 201210:00aCoffee Party & Craft Sale
Oct 20, 20124:30pHarvest Supper
Aug 11, 201210:00aQuilts & Craft Sale
Jul 18, 20127:30pLa Tour Baroque Duo
Jun 3, 20124:30p1/2 Chicken BBQ Supper
Mar 25, 20124:00pKings College Chapel Choir
Mar 18, 20124:00pChoral Evensong
Mar 11, 20124:00pChoral Evensong
Mar 4, 20124:00pCapella Regalis Men and Boys Choir
Feb 21, 20124:30pPancake and Sausage Supper
Nov 26, 20117:30pScottish Concert
Nov 19, 20119:00aFall Quilt and Craft Sale
Oct 29, 20114:30pHarvest Supper
Sep 11, 20112:00pCanon Sid Davies Garden Party
Aug 13, 20119:00aCountry Cottage Quilt & Craft Sale
Aug 3, 20117:30pBest of Boxwood
May 29, 20114:00pApple Blossom Chicken BBQ
May 29, 20113:30pCapella Regalis Men and Boys Choir
May 7, 20119:00aSpring Fling
Apr 4, 20114:00pChoral Evensong Series
Mar 27, 20114:00pChoral Evensong Series
Mar 20, 20114:00pKings College Choir
Mar 13, 20114:00pChoral Evensong
Mar 8, 20114:30pSausage and Pancake Supper
Nov 20, 201010:00aFall Craft Sale
Oct 23, 20104:30pHarvest Supper
Aug 14, 201010:00aCottage Quilts and Crafts
Aug 2, 20107:30pBest of Boxwood
Jun 20, 20101:30pChurch and Cemetery Tour
Jun 19, 20101:00pElinor Murray Book Launch
May 30, 20104:00pChicken Barbecue
May 8, 20102:00pBicentennial Tea
Apr 4, 20107:00pSpinney Brothers Easter Concert
Mar 28, 20104:00pThe Kings College Chapel Choir
Mar 21, 20104:00pThe Elastic Millennium Choir
Mar 7, 20104:00pChoral Evensong
Aug 1, 20097:30pTempest Baroque Ensemble
Jul 14, 20097:30pOrchid Ensemble
Jun 24, 20096:30p70th Anniversary of Ordination
May 31, 20094:00pChicken BBQ and Gospel Concert
May 24, 20097:00pThe Lieutenant Governor's Concert Series
May 23, 20098:00aSunday School Rummage Sale
May 13, 200910:00aMay Day Coffee Party & Silent Auction
Jul 7, 2008Musique Royale: Rejouissance

1105 Church Street Port Williams, Nova Scotia